
Faculty & Staff


10th Anniversary


Co-Executive Director, Break Away

The Co-Executive Director is a key member of a leadership team, which includes Jill Piacitelli, current Executive Director. The Executive Directors are jointly involved in strategy development, decision making, and responsible for the whole of the organization. Both serve as the chief executive officers of Break Away, and report to the Board of Directors, including attendance at all meetings. They are responsible for the general and active management of the affairs of Break Away. Each co-Executive Director has equal authority and either can perform the duties and exercise the powers of the executive officer in the absence of the other.

The particular focus of this position will be external outreach to constituents and management of Break Away Program Directors. This co-Executive Director will be responsible in building the programs, services and capacity of Break Away for the chapter schools, alumni, and host site members. As part of a cross-functional leadership team, this position will influence revenue generation decisions, program marketing, technology development and the shaping and implementation of organizational strategic planning.

The successful Executive Director will possess a thorough knowledge of strategic planning, alternative break programs, workshop development and facilitation, and staff and volunteer management. Responsibilities will include creating long and short-term strategies for program growth, maintaining and creating high quality trainings, manuals, curriculum, overseeing staff and other services that will benefit and grow membership.

The complete job posting is available here:



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