
Faculty & Staff


10th Anniversary


NC PIRG Seeking Campus Organizers for New Voters Project

The Student PIRGs’ New Voters Project is the largest non-partisan, on-the-ground young voter mobilization effort in the nation. 50 million strong, the 18-29 year old “Millennial Generation” is the largest potential voting cohort in history and represent more than one-fifth of the electorate. Building on increases in 2004 and 2006, young voter turnout increased by two percentage points in 2008, while that of older Americans remained constant or decreased. In order to boost the level of engagement of young people, the Student PIRGs plan to run a major nonpartisan youth voter turnout effort in the 2012 Presidential election. The project will combine voter registration, grassroots Get Out the Vote (GOTV) and voter protection strategies at 100 to 150 target college campuses to turn out 18-29 year olds who are eligible to vote in the 2012 election.

Job Description:

  • Run a non-partisan voter registration and turnout campaign in a campus community. Campus Organizers recruit and train a cadre of volunteers to register 18-29 year olds, collect pledges to vote from 18-29 year olds who are already registered to vote, and contact all of these young people to turn out to vote on Election Day.
  • Educate students and train new leaders. Campus Organizers teach citizenship and organizing skills. Campus Organizers also oversee an internship program, through which students can earn academic course credit for their work to boost youth voter engagement.
  • Build an organization. Campus Organizers build active, cohesive and highly visible PIRG campus-organizing committees that are recognized by faculty and student leaders as an asset to the campus community.
  • Build a coalition. Campus Organizers work with student volunteers and interns to build a diverse, invested coalition of organizations and people, such as the student government, college president, College Republicans, College Democrats and others, to boost youth voter turnout.

Salary & Training: Recent college graduates earn $23,750 in their first year on staff. Our staff also receive training from some of the most talented and experienced public interest professional in the country. Training includes a combination of classroom-style briefings and discussions along with hands-on training in the field.

Qualifications: Qualified applicants need to be goal-driven and sharp, with good problem-solving skills. Applicants should be driven by the idea of working on a huge, non-partisan youth voter mobilization project, capable of taking on leadership, and ready to work 50-70 hour weeks.

Application: Apply online at Please include a note about how you heard about the position. We’ll carefully consider your application and if we think you may be a good fit, we’ll be in touch.

The Student PIRGs are an equal opportunity employer and will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, sex, age, handicap, pregnancy, sexual orientation, or veteran status

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