
Faculty & Staff


10th Anniversary


Preparing for 9/11: Maximizing the Value of Days of Service (webinar) July 26, 2012

On Thursday July 26th at 2 p.m. ET  the Corporation for National and Community Service will facilitate this webinar to include how to utilize days of service to advance  your overall mission and sustainability, and grow your volunteer base and champions for your work.

Topics will include:

•Best practices for presenting your data to show the impact from your service work
•Demonstrating accountability to funders and stakeholders
•Telling your story to help justify continued funding and other support
•Achieving maximum value from days of service such as the 9/11 Day of Service & Remembrance

Speakers will include:

Rhonda Taylor, Senior Adviser and Acting Deputy Director, Office of Public Engagement and Partnerships, Corporation for National and Community Service
David Paine, Founder and CEO, MyGoodDeed
Jackie Aker, Marketing Director, Office of Public Affairs, Corporation for National and Community Service

Register here.





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