Category Archives: Career Development

The 2017 Ms. JD Fellowship

The Ms. JD Fellowship, one of our most popular programs, is now open for applications!

In 2010, Ms. JD partnered with the ABA Commission on Women in the Profession to found the Ms. JD Fellowship.  The Fellowship is Ms. JD’s program to promote mentoring and professional development.  Each spring, Ms. JD selects a group of outstanding second year law students as Fellowship recipients.  In addition to receiving financial support and invitations to ABA and Ms. JD events, each Fellowship recipient is paired with a mentor chosen from among the Brent Award honorees, Spirit of Excellence Award recipients, and ABA Commission on Women in the Profession Commissioners.  Beyond the mentorship, each year, the Fellows tell us that one of the best parts of the Fellowship is meeting the other incredible rising 3Ls.  Many Fellows remain friends long after their fellowship year is over.   To read more about the experience of past Fellows, click here and here.

Here’s what you’ll need to submit to apply for the Fellowship:

1. Resume (Must include a link to your LinkedIn Profile)

2. Unofficial Law School Transcript(s)

3. One paragraph (250 words) answering the question, “There are many mentorship programs for law students; why would you like to participate in the Ms. JD Fellowship?”

4. One paragraph (250 words) answering the question, “Describe how you have demonstrated leadership ability, both in and out of law school.”

5. One paragraph (250 words) answering the question, “If you had to contribute to the Ms. JD community by writing a blog post, what would you discuss and why?”

6. One paragraph (250 words) answering the question, “Describe in detail an event that you would like to organize at your law school that promotes women in the law.”

**Specific application instructions**: All application materials must be submitted in a single PDF file titled “[First Name Last Name] Fellowship Application” with a cover page that lists First & Last Name, Law School, GPA, LinkedIn Profile Link, Email, and Phone Number.  Applications that are not submitted in this format will not be considered.

Why Do You Ask For My LinkedIn Profile?  We’re asking you for your LinkedIn profile because having one is a huge part of your professional identity.  If you haven’t developed your profile yet, now is a great time to start!  Also, from a practical standpoint, there’s a Fellows group on LinkedIn that allows all of the Fellows from the previous classes to interact with one another.

Submit your application to  Applications are due Friday, March 31, 2017, at 11:59 pm Central Time.  Ms. JD plans to announce Fellowship finalists by the end of April.  Finalists will then complete interviews with Ms. JD Board Members and Staff by the end of May, and the Ms. JD Fellows and their mentors will be announced by mid-July.

If you have any questions, please contact the Fellowship Coordinator, Maleaha Brown, at  We look forward to receiving your application!

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2017 Student Law and Technology;The Rick Klau Prize – The Richmond Law Journal of Law and Technology

In law school? Interested in technology? Write about a topic at the intersection of law and technology and have a chance to be published and win prizes!

Submissions due by midnight EST on Friday, March 31, 2017.

Up to three of the best articles will have a chance to be published within Volume XXIII of the Journal.

1st Prize: $1,250

2nd Prize: $750

The Writing Competition Poster, Guidelines, and Entry Form are attached to this post!

Have questions? Contact the Journal at and visit the Journal’s website at






Also posted in 1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls, Scholarships, Professional Development, Student Life, Writing Competitions | Comments Off on 2017 Student Law and Technology;The Rick Klau Prize – The Richmond Law Journal of Law and Technology

Drop-In Hours in Career & Student Development – Winter 2017


Drop in every Friday from 10am-noon with your questions for the Office of Career & Student Development!

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