Maybe some of these “doomsayers” are correct; maybe the digital revolution will mean the death of the book. More and more now we can download just about any book we want. Also, look at what the digital revolution has done for movie rental stores like Blockbuster Video. Now that we can download movies with the click of our mouse, we never have to leave home. Also, if we take into account what the revolution has done for the media industry, television stations closing their doors. Who ever would have thought that the news media would be in the situation that they are in today? Now, that you can get your news on the go, people have stopped purchasing newspapers as well. Is the digital revolution creating better lives for people or destroying them? What does this mean for our future? It seems as thought Thorburn and Jenkins believe that the cream will rise to the top, in other words, it’s the survival of the fittest. Only time will tell.
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