Since so many times in class the importance of looking at other’s work was mentioned, I thought it only appropriate that in my last post for class, I share a few of my favorites. Obviously, this isn’t a complete list of all the amazing visual ideas and there are numerous real-world books, magazines, posters, artworks and printed materials, but below is a diverse sampling of sites I look to for ideas. In no particular order, are a few of my favorite online design inspirations.
Front pages from across the country:
Mindy McAdams is great resource on Flash and online journalism in general.
Online journalism:
Flash (Content is old, but examples are good):
NY Times interactives are always awesome. They even sent a team of graphic designers to Virginia Tech when the shootings happened to do detailed renderings.
Multimedia page:
Shooting project:
Victims project:
Collection of inspirations, including groupings as diverse as paper art, Flash logos, textures, fantasy art, CSS designed sites and more. DesignDim offers tutorials too.
Creative Inspirations on And yes, I watched these long before Professor Motley assigned them; infact, I’m pretty sure I told him about them in September. Anyway, they are great for learning about the industry and getting inspired:
While listening to NPR is always educational and the audio reports are a great lesson in multi-layer storytelling without visuals, they also do some nice multimedia:
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