iPhone Websites, Please

By designing responsively, we can not only linearize our content on smaller devices, but also optimize its presentation across a range of displays.

In today’s day and age, this is very crucial. Most of us are carrying portable computers, also known as smart phones. It is rare to find someone who isn’t sporting one. Mobile browsing is expected to outpace desktop-based access within 3 to 5 years. That’s crazy!

Thus, designing responsively has becoming extremely pertinent. There is nothing more annoying than opening a website on my phone and realizing I have to zoom in and scroll all sorts of ways in order to view the content. It makes me less likely to visit that website again. As a consumer, the product or company has lost me, more often than not. Give me an “iPhone website” and I will sure stay.

A good company in the year 2013 will want to practice “responsive architecture”.  but, a great company will begin asking how physical spaces can respond to the presence of people passing through them, then find a solution for it.

That solution is responsive web design. And frankly, it is to no one’s surprise that web design has adapted with time and with people, and their everyday needs. The people demand responsive web design. And, that’s what the people will get.

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Responsive Design and the Real World

Perhaps there is a long line of similarities between what we’ve learned in this class and morals that we should follow in life. One of the biggest facets of this class that has been embroidered into our minds is the concept of responsive web design.

The idea of being responsive is a concept requires designers to modify their creations to appeal every demographic and each type of person that may come into contact with their creation. This idea correlates with human life in a lesson that suggests that as a professional, one has to be ready to interact with a wide array of individuals and must be ready to adapt to their individual needs. Modern technological developments in web design and web development allows us to walk along this line in a simple manner. The skills that we have learned in this class are going to be key to adapting to the ever changing technological world around us.

Many of the concepts that we have studied in this class are going to benefit me, personally, for a long time. Learning how to create websites is something that I have longed to learn and now feel comfortable enough to take further learning into my own hands. I feel that these skills will be beneficial for me not only in a professional environment as someone’s underling, but in a way that will allow me to be creative and distinguish myself from others.

These skills will allow me to further myself in the communications field not only because I will have a basic understanding of a key skill necessary for the industry but it will allow me make a mark for myself in a way that is uniquely my own, a factor that will greatly assist me in my future endeavors.

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When I signed up for this course I had no idea what to expect. Honestly I just chose this class because on paper “Web Publishing” sounded more interesting than “Corporate Publishing”. I was nervous because I’m not exactly tech savvy and had absolutely no experience with HTML or CSS whatsoever.

I’m so glad I took this class now. I’ve learned so much and now have a whole new skill. I don’t know if this will affect my future or career at all because I plan on going into public relations, however, this will definitely be a useful skill to have and will always look good on a resume.

Now I’m a little less scared of technology and have a much better understanding of basic web design. I’m surprised by how much I actually enjoyed this class and can take away from it.

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Thoughts on the Web, the Media & my Future

I have already found this class so useful and applicable to my career. Working at a digital marketing agency throughout the semester, I am not at all involved in the building or backend of web development, but I do collaborate with the tech-guys and it has been SO helpful being able to speak in their language.

Just understanding the basic differences between HTML and CSS is really empowering – which is pathetic – but it gives me the power of not feeling like a complete dumb ass. The web is an aspect of just about every project – and is only going to become more and more important in the sphere of strategic communications. Even if I never build a website in my life, just being able to hold a productive brainstorm with a developer and even figure out for myself the little problems that make the tech team slam their heads against the table out of annoyance for my helplessness (5 times a day) … is great.

For example, a lot of our simple websites use the WordPress platform for content developers to place photos and content. A few times, things have just not looked right to me in the basic WordPress “visual” box for dummies. But taking a look at the HTML I’ve been able to make very simple changes such as adding a /br where the “enter” button just wasn’t doing the trick. It would be very beneficial for me to continue learning about publishing for the web, but even the basic lingo and understanding I’ve learned in this class has helped me tremendously and I know will be of value in my future. So thanks!!

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Organizing Mobile

I will sometimes do QC testing across various screen sizes before the marketing company I intern for sets the sites live. I am usually looking for words that are cut off, inactive buttons or spelling mistakes. I usually start with my phone and then work my to a tablet and computer, each time usually reading more content. Before this type of task being assigned to me, I hadn’t thought about how the content displayed on a phone should be different from a computer screen. I noticed when I surfed the web on my phone that some sites were more user-friendly than others but hadn’t thought about the process behind determining what content should be shared on the mobile and what should appear when being viewed on a bigger screen. Yes the display is different, which is fun to see, but the strategic differences in content choice is most interesting. As this article states, mobile users usually have very specific reason for interaction – whether it’s to lookup or find, explore or play, checkin or create – they want to be easily directed without having to read a whole lot on their small screen or navigate through a confusing web of dead ends. Something that I really hadn’t realized or thought about is how we can’t just design a responsive site – we also have to design content differently depending on the screen.

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When I first enrolled in this class back in Australia, I was under the impression I would be learning skills on how to write articles for online publishing. Groan. Another seemingly useless class required for my degree that requires zero brain power and no creativity. I was surprised (in a good way) to find that I would be CREATING the website instead. Finally something without boundaries! At first I found it daunting, but I gradually grew to enjoy myself and found I was rather good at it.

This class has taught me a lot about the web and technology that is growing daily. I always knew that technology would basically run the future, but this class taught me more than that. It taught me to understand the how and the why. As a Journalism major who doesn’t actually want to be a Journalist, I found this class to be.. fun! I want to be creative in my field. I think this class has given me the basic foundations on which I can grow from.

Technology is constantly pushing the boundaries and growing. Although it’s sad and scary how much it consumes our lives, but it’s the future, and if we are unable to grasp it with both hands and take control of it, it will end up consuming us and our lives. Personally, I hate how consuming and materialistic the world has become. No one person can live in the moment and be grateful anymore, and I feel like technology, internet and social networking have done this. But I’m also not blind or stupid. I understand that that’s just how it is, and that’s how you get ahead in the world nowadays.

This class taught me not only about how to design and create a website, it taught me how to push myself to succeed. It opened my eyes to the technology fuelled world, how it works, why it works, what it does to make it work. I think regardless of what industry I end up in professionally, this course will help me see behind the smoke and mirrors the media creates and maybe even to be more unique in my field.

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Final Reflection

As much as I dread, complain and muddle my way through HTML coding and CSS I feel like I have made leaps and bounds since the beginning of the semester. Heck, I designed my own website, as primitive as it may be it is a functioning website. And I’m hoping the wildcat website will be even better than my original!

As a journalism major, I pride myself on understanding a variety of syntax and rhetoric. However I have struggled understanding the rhetoric and jargon of web publishers, and I believe that has hindered my progress and continues to be one of my greater challenges in web publishing.

It’s nice to know I have that skill in my back pocket, in case I ever want to pursue the option of creating my own website rather than continuing to use my WordPress. I hope that learning HTML and CSS is similar to riding a bike and I will never have to relearn it from the start.

While I hope I don’t have a job that requires me to use HTML regularly (or even at all), it will be nice to have the basic skillset to have and to show I’m competent at when applying for jobs. Hopefully that will give me an edge over my fellow journalists! If anything, this class has made me more marketable to potential internships and jobs in the future.

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Final Reflection

When this class first started, I was terrified I would never understand HTML, CSS, and web design. While it took a while to get used to, I definitely learned a lot! After creating two websites, I feel confident in my abilities, even if it’s only basic web publishing knowledge. Technology will only become more important and I know it will be important to any job I have in the future. PR revolves around the newest technology, media or device.

I think that knowing HTML & CSS will give me a competitive edge when applying for jobs. I may not feel confident creating a company’s website from scratch, but I know that the skills I’ve learned this semester will help me maintain or add to a company’s website. My friend is creating a website for her music and I’ve been helping her with the design, which I now understand much better than I did before. The design skills I’ve learned can carry me farther than web design, like in creating advertisements, marketing materials, etc.

PR encompasses so many things, and I think web design is becoming more and more relevant. Websites are so important to a client’s success, so my ability to help will make me more successful in my career. I know that I will have to build on my portfolio website to keep everything fresh in my mind. I don’t want to forget everything I’ve learned, so I’ll need to stay on top of that. The portfolio project is wonderful to have, especially when applying for internships and jobs. There’s a lot of potential in web design, so I’m very happy I know more about it!

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The Web, The Media and My Future

I wasn’t sure what to expect at the beginning of the semester because, like most of my classmates, I hadn’t had any previous experience with web publishing or design. I hadn’t ever thought about a site’s visual appeal, or how easy it was to navigate, I just went to whatever page suited my interests. After taking this class and visiting those same pages, however, I’ve started to take notice of what many might consider to be insignificant design features that I now know are added to make the sight unique, which, ultimately, is the publisher’s primary goal. I also know why some sites take so long to download or look funny when they do, and why they look different depending on whose computer I’m using and what browser the computer uses.

While I don’t see web design as being a part of my professional career moving forward, it is nevertheless an invaluable skill to have as the working world continues to embrace technology at an ever-growing rate. I anticipate having to be a jack-of-all-trades when I first enter the work force, meaning any possible employer will be looking for me to have something that allows me to stand out from the rest of the applicants. Being able to design visually appealing, user-friendly websites is something that could put me over the top, seeing as companies and departments are always hoping to set themselves apart from their competitors in online viewership and interactivity.

In order to get to the point where I can help a company design its website, I need to continue to develop as a designer. One way I can do that is continue to develop my personal website started in class, with all of my work, to expand my presence online while also showing my future employers that I can publish a professional, visually appealing webpage that is easy to navigate.



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The Web, The Media and My Future

I’ll admit that Web Publishing was a class that I wanted to take a chance on. I needed the extra COM Elective for my major and this class of constructing web sites and how technology influences our society intrigued me. The World Wide Web was always a tool that fascinated me and I figured with me heading to the business of entertainment, it would be better for me to learn this now while I’m school before being released into the real world; where I would have to eventually confront this, petrified and unsure what to do.

I am very fortunate that I took this class this term. I never fully understood how complex yet necessary all that code for creating websites were for our generation. We are completely relying on our technology these days, no matter what device it may be. Computer, mobile, tablet, the choices are endless. And with everything visual these days, each website made needs to be perfectly designed for each user’s needs and standards. I definitely do not have all the rules, concepts and structures memorized, but at least know the basics of what goes where and how to make it stand out as my own website rather than just another copy from someone else. The best artists are the best forgers, but you still need that extra code and rule to make yours stand out just a little bit.

I am not entirely sure is web design and development will beneficial for my future career. I plan to go into the entertainment business, but it doesn’t hurt to know this information. So when the time comes that a website for the business I work for or my own, I have some idea with what will go into the HTML and CSS structure and at a point know the limits of what I can or cannot do for the site. I definitely would like to trust a top web designer to do this before I take on the task. But at least I would know how it would be set up and what would go into the website. Then if there any problems/issues that need to be fixed, I could in a way “speak the designer’s lingo” and be able to tackle exactly what I changed/ improved.

For my career in the entertainment business, I do think it’s important to be updated and knowledgable about web design and development. As stated before, technology is always changing and improving. So being on board with what’s going on and adapting to the technology age is quite helpful. If you want to get your work and ideas out to everyone, the use of websites and internet can help spread those out further for all to see. So though I may not ever be a great web designer, it’s important to know this information for my career in the entertainment business. So I’m glad that I took this class, to know more about web design and development for the future. For whatever situation I may face ahead that requires this information. So thank you! Really appreciate it!

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