In-Class and Out-of-Class Peer Response Activities

Oct 11 2006

In-Class and Out-of-Class Peer Response Activities

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  1. Tita Ramirez’s full-class workshop
  2. Barbara Gordon’s whole-class modeling –>    Pairs peer response
  3. Kim Pyne’s oral and written response
    1. Oral introduction to purpose and audience
    2. Oral reading of paper
    3. Written response
    4. Oral response
  4. Ashley Holmes’ focused peer review
    Students work in groups of 3 or 4 through three rounds of written review (usually one on aspects of content, one on structure, and one on editing/citation).  Then, the fourth round of review is an oral review, where they focus on one writer’s paper at a time workshop style.
  5. Small group conferences

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