Developing a Workable Plan, Talking out Ideas, Building Momentum, Incubation versus Procrastination, Narrowing a Topic, Developing a Thesis Statement, Topic-Restriction-Illustration, Developing Support, Threading a Thesis, Following Conventions, Working Outline, Formal Outline, Topical Outline, Audience Analysis
- Building Momentum – Modified Freewriting: Ask students to open a Word document, turn their monitors off, and write for ten minutes. If they can’t get distracted by sentence-level details, they may find an initial momentum to help them start drafting.
- Rhetorics as Resources: The Academic Writer (Chapter 10), Writing: A Manual for the Digital Age (Chapter 4), Harbrace Guide to Writing (Chapter 3)
Tags: drafting, rhetoric texts, writing process
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Starting in the Middle: Free-write on Subtopic
Sometimes it’s easier to start in the middle. Encourage students to freewrite about a subpoint or a piece of evidence, rather than trying to freewrite from a more traditional “beginning” point.
Round-Robin Activity
Conversational free-write: “I’m writing about…”
Pass to classmate. Classmate responds:
- “Your free-write leads me to ask the following questions…”
- “I would like to know more about…”
- “Have you considered…”
Continue to pass around the room for additional comments, questions, and feedback.
Discuss strategies for overcoming writer’s block and practice them in class
Tags: drafting, writing process
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Scaffolding Development
- Starting Point: I am writing about __________, and I am going to argue, show or prove __________.
- Revising for voice: Rewrite the sentence to match your personal writing style.
- Revising for conventions: Rewrite the sentence to match disciplinary conventions.
Testing for Strength
- Do I answer the question (posed by the assignment guidelines, my own research proposal, etc.)?
- Have I taken a debatable position?
- Is my thesis statement too vague? What makes my topic “good,” “successful,” or “disappointing”?
- Does my thesis address readers’ “how” and “why” questions?
- Do my thesis and the body of my paper match?
Promote new/alternate research strategies: K-W-L –> Delay thesis development
- K: What do I know?
- W: What do I want to know?
- L: What have I learned?
Build in recursive writing process activities
- 5-Minute Writes
- Research activity –> Summary activity (i.e., summarize one source) –> Synthesis activity (i.e., synthesize information from a few sources) –> Thesis activity (simple statement through revisions)
- What have I learned, and how does my new knowledge affect my thesis?
- Peer Response
- Thesis tests: So what? How? Why?
- Do the thesis and the body text match?
- Separate sessions for higher order concerns (thesis, content, organization) and lower order concerns (grammar, punctuation)
Tags: direct instruction, drafting, writing process
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