Category: Social media

Archive for the ‘Social media’ Category

May 13 2016

T-Rex in the Library

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Elon’s Belk Library owns reading day! This prehistoric visitor roamed the stacks and handed out snacks.


Feb 21 2014

How well do you know the sounds of Belk Library?

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How many people really listen to the sounds in Club Belk? We thought we’d have a little fun and see how many of you pay attention to and can recognize the background sounds in our library.

Each Friday during the spring semester, starting February 21, we’ll tweet a different #ClubBelksound. If you think you recognize the sound, reply to the tweet with your guess. Then on the following Friday, we’ll tweet the answer and Name That #ClubBelksound.

Follow @ElonBelk on Twitter to join in and let’s see how many really people know the sounds of Club Belk.