Culture Shock

Ever since arriving in Hanoi four days ago, it has been a whirlwind of emotions. Excitement, anxiety, confusion, and amazement have engulfed my life these past few days. Just waking up and walking outside of our hotel the first day was shocking. The buildings were old and dingy, power lines were in abundance, motorcycles zoomed down the street, people approached us to sell souvenirs. It’s amazing that the craziness of this city has become almost normal to me. Crossing the street is ten times less scary than the first day here (yet I can still often be caught squealing in horror as motorcycles come flying at me in the street).


As great as city life in Hanoi is, it makes sense that my most cherished memory of Vietnam so far is being outside the city. Visiting the organic farm yesterday was inspiring. Descending from the bus, we walked through a rundown block of housing on a dirt road flanked by farming tools and manure. Even some roosters, puppies, and water buffalo crossed our path as we headed to the far. The area was clearly inhabited by farmers with little money to spare. Yet, I found a unique beauty in the crumbling of the architecture and the simplicity of this lifestyle. As we roamed the far, we came across friendly farmers and curious dogs in the fields of tomatoes, corn, and onions. Although this farm was located very close to the airport, the air of silence was a welcomed change for my ears. Something about the wind, animals, fresh food, and good company really centered me and helped me adjust to living halfway across the world.


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