Survey made public on December 1, 2012

The survey “Better understanding the world of atheists” was made public on December 1, 2012

This survey is a collaborative effort spearheaded by Richard “Brother Richard” Haynes of Atheist Nexus International.  Summary results of this survey will be presented at a meeting of the leadership of both national and regional atheist-related organizations taking place late this coming January in Atlanta, Georgia.

This web site will be used to provide updates regarding the survey and as a space for presenting some of the results.

You are welcome to add your comments and tweets to each post.  Add comments by simply clicking on the “post a comment” link at the end of each post.  Tweet your comments by using #servingatheists.

Both your comments and tweets will be public on this web site.


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  1. Posted December 20, 2012 at 3:01 am | Permalink

    Transgender is neither a gender in it’s own right or a sexuality, as is implied by the survey questions any chance to correct this?

  2. Posted December 9, 2012 at 10:14 pm | Permalink

    Page 2 of the survey is not working for me

    page 1 is fine but nothing works after that 🙁

    • Posted December 9, 2012 at 10:22 pm | Permalink

      Ouch. I will check the link. Try again in a few.

  3. Posted December 6, 2012 at 3:19 pm | Permalink

    I feel I should explain my vote of yes. Churches should be treated like any other 501, but if they get involved in politics then they should lose their exempt status. I fully agree with F.F.R.F.’s suing the federal government to force the I.R.S. to enforce the law that requires churches that get involved with politics to lose their exempt status.

  4. Posted December 5, 2012 at 6:04 pm | Permalink

    I don’t so much care what a political person’s personal beliefs are – so much as I care about their expression of tolerance, inclusion, as opposed to fundamentalism. If a politician is religious, but has a record of acting or speaking about inclusion, then good. If they are religious, and act and speak as though religion, or worse, their religion, is required for leadership, then they effectively have nulled my vote.
    I’m interested in the separation of church and state debate, of course, but it takes second place to my interest in inclusion.
    I also think that it’s a challenge to be an atheist a leadership position – perhaps ask questions around that experience as well.

  5. Posted December 5, 2012 at 3:03 pm | Permalink

    Wish there had been more about atheism and leadership / politics in the survey.

    What I find I miss the most about religion is the easy feeling of belonging – whether at work, during the holidays at meals, charities, etc. – the effortless way people of religion can express their beliefs or rituals but atheists cannot.

    • Posted December 5, 2012 at 3:37 pm | Permalink

      You have a good point. As the next weeks go by I am going to change the Poll on this site and can add leadership/politics/policy questions. Do you have a specific one that you would like to see?