Allison Schoeninger Biographical Service Statement

As Elon Students, when we travel to South Africa we are not only representing ourselves, but our entire school. In the past, Elon students have made great efforts in South Africa in a number of programs aimed at helping the community. It is our responsibility to continue that legacy, and build upon it as we do our part in helping communities in South Africa. We are truly privileged to live as comfortably as we do, and go to school at an upstanding university. While we are in South Africa, it is important for all of us to give our time and efforts to help people who may not be as fortunate as we are.

            During my time in South Africa, I plan to leave my imprint on the community by interning at Christine Revell Children’s Home. This home, specifically for abandoned, neglected, abused children, is a wonderful way to help people who really need me. Though the efforts for financial support for children in South Africa is exceedingly important, it is most important to me to spend time with the children. I believe that donating my time and efforts will help to benefit these children in a way that money cannot provide.

Not only will my time spent at Christine Revell Children’s Home benefit the children living at the home, but it will benefit me. Working with children brings joy and happiness to everyone involved, and I believe that there is no better way for me to get involved with helping the community in South Africa.

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