Federal Legalization of Marijuana: Additional Resources

Davis McGuirt: Economic Benefits Associated with the Sale of Marijuana

 The Economic Case for Marijuana Legalization in Canada

This article is interesting because the information it contains pertains to the sale of marijuana in Canada, but it could also be seen as relevant to the US because the two countries have a very similar economy. 

Jobs. Good Jobs.

This article highlights the way in which the wine industry in Califronia has led to the creation of many jobs and how the growing marijuana industry has the potential to create a level of increased employment. 


Hunter Stephenson: Federal vs. State Legalization

National Institute on Drug Abuse National Trends 

This article discusses multiple trends within the marijuana industry, providing essential facts pertaining to marijuana usage, addiction, abuse, and production rates.

California Bureau of Medical Cannabis Regulation 

This source provides more in depth analysis of a legislative act passed by the state of California pertaining to the rules and regulations associated with distributing marijuana medicinally.

The Federal Government Must Act: Why State-Level Pot Legalization Isn’t Enough

This source provides positive impacts that the legalization of marijuana has had on numerous states thus far as well as information as to why the federal government is reluctant to change marijuana from a schedule one drug.


Andrew Tovsky: Health Benefits of Marijuana Legalization

10 Surprising Health Benefits of Medical Marijuana

This article highlights benefits of medical marijuana that haven’t received as much publicity on a national scale, but are still relevant as they benefit many citizens that suffer from various medical conditions.

New Study Reveals Results On Using Cannabis While Pregnant

This article examines a recent study that has refuted many claims that cannabis use during pregnancy can be harmful to the fetus, and proposes that moderated marijuana use during pregnancy can be beneficial.


Connor Gaudette: Why Marijuana Should be Rescheduled, not Legalized.


This article, written by the Huffington Post, looks into the social implications of marijuana use as well as the persona surrounding marijuana in society today. It also talks about the health effects of marijuana in comparison to other Schedule I narcotics.


This article looks into how marijuana could possibly be rescheduled from a legislative side. It talks about how the president could go about making changes in the legality of marijuana.


Maria Benton: The Social Implications of Marijuana Legalization


This particular article delves deep into each state’s laws and regulations regarding marijuana use and how it has affected the citizens living there. Public policy is picked apart and benefits of federal legalization are shown through various graphs and data charts.


This source shares the benefits of Colorado legalizing marijuana with us. We are exposed to a variety of pluses: fiscally, recreationally, legally, and medically.