
Faculty & Staff


10th Anniversary


Program Coordinator, Center for Community Engagement, University of Arkansas

The Center for Community Engagement of the University of Arkansas is seeking an HEI Program Coordinator over mentoring programs. The Program Coordinator is responsible for one or more academic or social programs at an institution of higher education. This position is governed by state and federal laws and agency/institution policy. Responsibilities include serving as the primary advisor to mentoring/tutoring programs of the Volunteer Action Center of the Center for Community Engagement which includes Dream B.I.G. Believing in Girls and the VAC Literacy Program. Primary advising responsibilities include meeting with students individually and in groups, creating work plans and setting goals, and tracking program progress and student learning outcomes. Other responsibilities include grant writing, supervising graduate interns, setting and maintaining budgets, and managing and developing community partnerships.

Please encourage potential candidates to submit their resume and cover letter at

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