
Faculty & Staff


10th Anniversary


International Program Leader, Thinking Beyond Borders

Thinking Beyond Borders is a growing community committed to changing the world by translating learning into action. Our Gap Year and Gap Semester programs are designed for students to explore international development through experiential learning and academic study. Each program immerses students in communities around the globe to learn about the world’s greatest challenges. By living with multiple host families, exploring a variety of topics, and engaging in a powerful curriculum, students gain knowledge of both local issues and global solutions.

TBB’s programs allow groups of up to 18 students and 3 Program Leaders to compare the challenges and opportunities for change in multiple communities and cultures around the world. For more information on on specific programs, please visit:


– Work as part of a two or three person teaching team to implement a service learning curriculum.
– Mentor and counsel students through personal growth experiences.
– Assist in the further development of the program design and curriculum.
– Assist in coordinating daily logistics of travel and programming.
Protect the health and safety of the students at all times.

Successful applicants for the Program Leader position will demonstrate:

– Masters degree in Education, Student Affairs, International Development, Psychology, or a relevant field.
– Minimum of three years experience teaching in a classroom or alternative education setting.
– Proficiency in at least one language other than English that is spoken in the countries on the TBB itinerary.
– Extensive international travel experience.

For more information on each of these positions, please review the job listings and application form at:

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