
Faculty & Staff


10th Anniversary


Executive Director, Missouri Campus Compact

The primary job duty of the Executive Director is providing leadership, recognition, and support to the member institutions to increase civic education for students and the civic engagement efforts of the campuses themselves. The Executive Director, Missouri Campus Compact develops and implements programs and services, provides oversight and leadership to the Compact’s councils, administers grant programs, and leads fund development initiatives.

Education: A Bachelor’s degree is required; a Master’s degree or higher is preferred.

Experience: Experience in creating tangible programs or initiatives that carry out a philosophical commitment to civic engagement is required. Two years of work experience in higher education, preferably in service-learning or in the area of campus-community collaborations, is required. Experience in making public presentations and public speaking is required. Experience working with college and university presidents and administrators and diverse governing boards is preferred. Successful experience in fundraising and/or grant writing is preferred.

Skills: Must be able to articulate a philosophical commitment to civic engagement and the civic purposes of higher education. Strong oral and written communication skills are required. Organizational and office management skills are required. The ability to develop knowledge of, respect for, and skills to engage with those of other cultures or backgrounds is required.

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