
Faculty & Staff


10th Anniversary


On Monday, January 16th, College Students will Honor Dr. King Through Service

On January 16, 2012, Americans across the country will honor Dr. King by helping their neighbors and communities. The Martin Luther King Jr. Federal Holiday is a National Day of Service, and a time to re-commit ourselves to serving each other and our communities.  Led by the Corporation for National and Community Service, the MLK Day of Service will include thousands of projects spread across all 50 states.

For the 2012 Day of  Service, NC Campus Compact is a subgrantee of Wisconsin Campus Compact in collaboration with Michigan Campus Compact, Missouri Campus Compact and Oregon Campus Compact. Wisconsin Campus Compact is a national lead agency for the MLK Day of Service, with funding provided by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS).  Students from all backgrounds will come together to celebrate MLK Day by making a difference in their communities. Projects will include delivering meals, refurbishing schools and community centers, collecting food and clothing, signing up mentors, supporting veterans and military families, promoting nonviolence, and more, with many projects starting on King Day and lasting throughout the year

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