31st Annual Conference Information

Issues in Political Economy sponsors an annual undergraduate research conference. Students serve as session chairs and discussants, as well as present their work.

We will be sponsoring sessions at the Eastern Economic Association conference this year. The deadline for undergraduate paper submissions is January 20, 2024.

Thursday February 29 – Saturday March 2

Sheraton Boston Hotel

Hotel Room Block Booking Website: click here for hotel reservations  (conference rate is $229 for double)

Registration: https://www.meetingsavvy.org/eea/frmLogin.aspx and select “2024 Undergraduate Student Registration with Reception” for $90.00

Tentative Schedule

Full Program updated (2/2/2024)


9:30, 11:00, 12:30, 2:00, 3:30
6:00-9:00 at A.T. Okeefe’s Irish Pub
all students and faculty invited (FREE hor devours + cash bar)


9:30, 11:00, 12:30, 2:00, 3:30

*Note: in order to submit a paper, you must choose “IPE submission fee” for $0.00. You can also pay the registration fee by selecting “2024 Undergraduate Student Registration with Reception” for $85.00, but you do not have to do that at the time of submission.

“It was immensely rewarding sharing something that I have been working so hard on over the course of my senior year with a community who shares a deep appreciation for economics and economic research. I was particularly grateful for the opportunity to engage with other students from different schools at the conference’s reception, where I was able to form new connections and friendships that I plan to maintain over the course of my professional journey in economics.”

-Alexa Rasmussen, 2021 IPE conference presenter

Participation in the conference is not a requirement for publication in IPE, neither does it qualify your paper for IPE review. To submit your paper for publication to IPE, please refer to Submit a Paper to IPE.