The Issue: Lippmann is setting the stage for attacking the complex issue of public opinion and how we as humans process each strand of this. She starts with how we as humans process reality and pseudo realities which leads into the idea of public opinion and privacy.
Major Strength: I feel that trying to articulate the idea of pseudo realities, what people to believe is true to what is actually the true reality, is almost an impossible task. Lippmann sets up this book with insightful paragraphs on the nature of man and how we react to experiences and pseudo-environments, to what we believe to be true but may not be to other people. After going into this in great detail, she very poignantly notes that there is no use in ‘the uselessness of pontificating about what man is’, that we should stop trying to analyse the behaviour of people who are reacting to society around us, because we all view that society in a different way, yet will never truly know what other people see.
Major Weakness: The text is peppered with very insightful paragraphs, although the historical references are needed for examples, I feel that sometimes they over complicate the message of the book and take away from what Lippmann is trying to discuss. I feel that if the key points from the historical references were taken out and referenced on a consistent basis in regard to how it pertains to the theme, the theory of the book would of been clearer much earlier on.
Provocative Questions:
-This book was written in 1921, but I would be curious to know whether this type of theory was being made aware of at the time of the historical references Lippmann uses? Were people aware that true effect of propaganda?
-Although I think that it is an astute observation that we should stop trying to figure out what man is, isn’t that what a lot of society feel to be the meaning of life? to figure out why we are here and our purpose? Although any rational human can sit down and say, he reacted badly to a certain situation because of his previous experiences, how tolerant are we of that as a society? how much do we hold each other accountable for our actions regardless of what trauma we might of faced in our personal lives?