Online Resources for COM 210

As mentioned in class, is great for learning website design. I recommend the lesson ‘HTML: Essential Training.’ Also, the site is useful for quick examples of code snippets.

Some other useful sites for practicing or learning Web design:

A simple web page that lets you enter HTML and CSS, and see the results. No file management, no live preview – it all happens in one browser window. There’s an option to save your work and even download the files, too. Great practice tool, especially to test if an idea ‘works.’


A great site filled with video tutorials, code snippets, forums and code examples. If read as a blog, the most recent posts will sound too complicated and advanced for us, but if you search on the site, there’s some great descriptions and examples of concepts like the Box Model, fonts, debugging, and all kinds of other useful things.

Code academy is filled with little tutorials of coding concepts, which then ask you to code yourself and try to get the same results. It’s a good way to practice.


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