Nov 09 2005
Service-Learning in College Writing
- “Service-learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities” (National Service-Learning Clearinghouse, 2004).
- Service and learning goals have equal weight in course projects.
- Course work integrates reflection on the service-learning experience.
- Service-learning projects often allow students to explore how writing conventions vary for different audiences and purposes. (2005-2006 Instructional Goal)
- Service-learning at Elon is supported by the Kernodle Center:
- Several English 110 faculty have incorporated service-learning in College Writing, since service-learning often allows students to participate in a multi-part writing project for a non-academic audience, while exploring writing’s capacity to change oneself and the world.
- Online resources include the National Service-Learning Clearinghouse at:
- If you decide to integrate service-learning, consider completing a service-learning course designation form so that students are aware that your course includes a service-learning component.
National Service-Learning Clearinghouse. (2004). Welcome to service-learning. Retrieved November 7, 2005, from
Tags: course design, service-learning