Introduction to NextEra Energy

Apr 04 2011

Introduction to NextEra Energy

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NextEra Energy is one of the leading producers of electricity and alternative energy solutions.  Founded in 1925 as a small town energy company, NextEra has expanded to providing 25 states and three Canadian provinces with energy contracts.  In 2007 NextEra was ranked first in electric and gas facilities in the nation, including the worlds largest solar array.  As of last year, NextEra has been contracted by NASA to design even more efficient advanced solar panel equipment.

The following year end stock prices:

  • March 30, 2011: $54
  • 2010: $53
  • 2009: $53
  • 2008: $67
  • 2007: $54
  • 2006: $40

NextEra’s CEO is Lewis Hay and has been since 2001.  Even through the economic downturn of 2008, Mr. Hay has been in charge during greatest time of prosperity.  With new contracts being made and more advance in technology Mr. Hay believes that NextEra will lead the alternative energy field in the future, and with NextEra’s ability to survive in the sector hardest hit by the economic downturn, this seems very likely.

For more information about NextEra Energy, visit their website

One Response to “Introduction to NextEra Energy”

  1. Scott Buechler Says:

    James, it appears that NextEra is an innovative player in the energy industry. Its stock price seems to have stabilized after some signficant fluxuation; I wonder if that means that the company has stabilized as well. In any event, we can look forward to learning more about this company and its indusry.
    I have a couple questions:
    *You write that NextEra “is one of the leading producers of electricity and alternative energy solutions”; is that nationally, regionally, or in some other scope?
    *You write that NextEra “was ranked first in electric and gas facilities in the nation.” How do the solar panels (which you mention next) relate to the electric and gas facilities? In what way are they involved in alternative energy? Maybe you will address that in your next post.
    This seems to be an emerging company in a rapidly changing industry. We can look forward to learning more about it.

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