Deepening The Data With More Voices: Invitation for in-depth interviews

Posted on: August 16, 2015 | By: Tom Arcaro | Filed under: aid worker survey, General posts on the humanitarian aid industry

Deepening the data with more voices Where you might come in We are entering the next phase of our AidWorkVoices project and again need your help, this time from a few of you who want or may be wiling to share your stories. One of the most interesting nuggets to come from the survey data thus far are the thoughts you’ve had about identity.  In the post “You are as you are seen” many of our respondents–you–wrestled with exactly that: how you are seen by those around you matters on many levels. Many of you believe that the way you are seen (for example:  young, white, attractive Western female) has an impact on your overall effectiveness.  A second impact is that on the self concept of the aid worker: how she or he feels about her or himself. Our goal at this particular stage is to deepen the data with more…

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So, about last week…

Posted on: July 14, 2014 | By: J. | Filed under: aid worker survey, Aid Worker Voices book

So, last week The Guardian online ran an article in the Global Development Professionals Network section, in which the authors sort of rambled on about the importance of discussing the sex lives of humanitarians. Yes, you read that right. A research fellow and an adviser at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) want to have a little chat about aid worker sex lives–that is, our sex lives. On the outside chance that you missed their arousing discussion, check it out. Yeah, yeah. Aid worker notoriety vis-a-vis all things sexual is legendary. I don’t think there’s any other aspect of the aid worker experience that is more commonly or gleefully portrayed in pop culture remakes of our allegedly exciting lives than our sexuality. From the apocryphal Emergency Sex, to the far-fetched tale of a UK housewive-turned-UNICEF warrior for the poor, to any one of several flaccid attempts to capture the aid worker experience as prime-time television drama,…

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The Role of Humanitarian Aid & Development?

Posted on: April 21, 2014 | By: J. | Filed under: Aid Worker Voices book

Question 60: “Please elaborate on your views about the future of humanitarian aid work.” The majority of respondents who have answered this question thus far seem to have focused their comments on things ultimately to do with technical delivery, implementation and efficiency. But a few have chosen take on what I consider to be probably the most important question facing the humanitarian aid and development industry today. “I think the aid industry is still figuring out what its role should be and how it should have an impact – and the people who can support that (taxpayers, donors, etc) still aren’t sure about its value. I am hopeful but somewhat skeptical that the aid industry will continue to grow and always have a positive impact, as a result.” This response hits it on the head. What is our role, as aid workers and aid organizations, vis-à-vis the bigger picture? Maybe…

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More voices coming soon….

Posted on: March 28, 2014 | By: Tom Arcaro | Filed under: aid worker survey, Aid Worker Voices book

Non-English versions of the survey coming soon Though I don’t have any firm numbers to go by, a quick scan of available data is that English is not the first language of most humanitarian aid workers.  While it is a fact of life that the default language of many (most?) organizations in the aid world industry is English (with French coming in a very strong second), of the over 300,000 aid and development workers globally I’ll repeat:  for most English is at best a second language. This fact is perhaps reflected in our data in that we have attracted a very small number of local aid workers:                                 Our main goal in taking on this project was to provide a space for more discussion about the lives and views of aid workers and so, toward…

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A look while still in progress

Posted on: March 13, 2014 | By: Tom Arcaro | Filed under: Aid Worker Voices book

As we pass 600 hits, what does our “sample” population look like so far? And why is “sample” in quotation marks?  As we mention in the FAQ, our target population -those who are now or have in the past worked in the aid/development industry- is not a homogeneous, database available-at-the-ready population.  Just the opposite:  you are all spread across the world in an astonishing array of locations and work circumstances, from New York City-urban to South Sudan-rural.  We have here is a snapshot of a necessarily self-selected group of souls who have invested some precious time on our survey. Some bits from the data: Age/gender/’race’ Though those who identified as female make up 68% of our respondents, there is a markedly higher percentage of ‘long in the tooth’ males responding:  “I have been doing humanitarian aid work for ten or more years.”  Male:  33%, Female 17%, with males having a higher percentage…

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PSA: Who should take the survey?

Posted on: March 9, 2014 | By: J. | Filed under: aid worker survey

The humanitarian survey has been live for about two weeks, now, and so far we’re very pleased with the response. We’ve had over 500 respondents to-date, and yes, we know it’s not a statistically viable sample just yet, but nevertheless we’re seeing some fascinating trends already beginning to emerge. At this point, though, we need to pause and answer what is apparently a burning question in the minds of many: Who should take this survey? Or, put another way, who do we want to hear from? You’ve tweeted us, DM’d us, emailed us, Facebooked us, biting your bottom lips, voices wavering… wondering if… is it really… for you?! Should I take the humanitarian worker survey?! (hint: yes)   The answer is, “Yes!” If you do now or have ever worked in the aid industry, we want to hear from you via this survey. Yep, we know. It says “humanitarian”, but…

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Perceptions, Realities?

Posted on: March 2, 2014 | By: J. | Filed under: Aid Worker Voices book

Perceptions, Realities? Our survey of aid workers (read:  anyone who’s ever somehow been part of the aid industry, ever) has been live for about one week, now. We’re seeing some interesting patterns begin to emerge out of the quantitative portions, and we’re getting some really interesting responses from you in the open-ended boxes. Thank you, and please keep those responses coming! One piece of the picture of who you are (and me, too. I’m an aid worker), which I find particularly interesting, is what’s starting to emerge from multiple-choice questions #44 and #46, and “elaborate your thoughts” open-ended answer boxes which accompany them both. In their entirety, these two questions read: Question 44: Many (most?) humanitarian aid workers will ultimately become ex-humanitarian aid workers. Excluding those few -but tragic- that will die in service, which below do you think is the *most* common reason why humanitarian aid workers choose to…

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