
Alamance County, NC. Aid recipient.
Raising Friends’ Kids.
I’ve been here for thirty years. And my daughter had a job and moved down here. And then, I met her [indicating 14-year-old Desmen, whom she is raising] dad. And they had problems at home, so she asked could she stay with me; and she’s been with me for three years. And so… Continue reading →
Parthenia — “Ms. P”

Alamance County, NC. Aid provider and former aid recipient.
It All Started with an Illness
It all started with me becoming ill, having to go on disability. But before I get the disability I have to have, I am not working at all, I am needing assistance with my utility. So I am reaching out to the community. So I didn’t really know anything about where to go besides Social Services… Continue reading →

Alamance County, NC. Parents received aid.
Education & The American Dream
My parents were immigrants. We came here from Ghana when I was two and basically we were like… My dad had an education, but an education abroad isn’t really valid here. So he had to start over… Continue reading →

Alamance County, NC. Restaurant worker. Resident at Allied Churches homeless shelter. White, female, age 49.
Domestic Violence
I don’t want to be on welfare. It’s my goal to cut out the food stamps and to pay my own way. I never really chose to be, I don’t guess anybody does, but I don’t, I’m ready to do my own thing. I want to have a job, I want to get a car, and I want to get a home that’s mine… Continue reading →

Alamance County, NC. Aid recipient, caring for grandchildren. Living in public housing.
Caring for Grandchildren
Well, I’ve lived here around Burlington all my life. Burlington-Mayberry area and we just, I got custody of my granddaughters and then my wife decided to leave me after that because she didn’t want that responsibility. So, I couldn’t really afford nothing… Continue reading →