Students present Maker Hub Kickbox projects

Posted on: May 13, 2016 | By: Maria Temming | Filed under: Tech Tips

Image of golf ball pendulum Elon Kickbox projectOn Thursday, April 28, the students who worked all semester on Maker Hub Kickbox projects presented their work. The Kickboxers discussed the progress they made over the past three months, the hurdles they overcame, and any future plans for continuing their projects.

Instructional Technologists Michael Vaughn and Dan Reis kicked off the event by reviewing the Kickbox concept and application process, which drew idea submissions from almost every school at Elon last fall. Of the 19 applications that the Maker Hub received, 13 student teams were awarded Kickboxes. Nine of those Kickboxes culminated in presentations at the Burlington Mini Maker Faire and at Elon as part of CELEBRATE! Week 2016.

Kickbox_FinalPresentation (16)

Elon Kickboxers Pete Victoratos presents on his Golf Ball Pendulum project.

This semester’s collection of Kickbox projects comprised a diverse set of products—hardware and software, tools and artwork, educational implements and personal devices. Audience members at the Kickbox presentations were treated to everything from videos of model rocket launches to sneak-peaks at smartphone app prototypes. You can check out a full list of Kickbox project descriptions on the Maker Hub site.

Dan Reis says that the Maker Hub staff is very happy with the progress that Kickboxers made on their projects this semester. Not only did nine teams of students wrap up three months of work with some pretty awesome results, but all the students involved in the Kickbox program “have been exposed to a design-thinking process that they can use outside of their kickbox project.”

And so concludes the Maker Hub’s inaugural semester of Kickbox projects. Maker Hub staff would like to thank the student participants and their faculty/staff sponsors for making this first round of Kickboxes such a success.

Maria Temming

Maria Temming is a senior physics and english major. She enjoys both creative writing and science/tech journalism. Most of her writing is fueled by too much caffeine (thank you, Oak House) and classic rock music.

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