REPOST: Online alternatives during inclement weather

Posted on: January 21, 2016 | By: Dan Reis | Filed under: Tech Tips
A map of Friday's forecast

All those colors can’t be good news 🙁

The last class day of Winter Term is Friday. And if the forecast holds, it’s also the day of the biggest snowstorm of the year. Luckily, Elon has online tools that make it possible to submit assignments, take exams and even talk with your class remotely. Here is a repost of an article that Scott Hildebrand wrote during last year’s big snow storm. It outlines some of the tools available to Elon faculty.

Click to read about Online alternatives during inclement weather.

Keep an eye on for the latest and stay safe and warm.

Screenshot of the National Forecast Chart from National Weather Service, taken on 1/21/2015 at 2pm.

Dan Reis

Dan Reis is an Instructional Technologist with Elon University’s Teaching and Learning Technologies.

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One response to “REPOST: Online alternatives during inclement weather”

  1. Amy Hogan says:

    We had class online today via Periscope!