Duet Display: The app for multi-taskers

Posted on: May 8, 2015 | By: Aurora Albi-Mercier | Filed under: Instructional Technologies, Tech Tips, Teaching & Learning

Calling all multi-taskers!  I have the app for you.Screen Shot 2015-05-04 at 9.14.43 AM

Duet Display is an app that allows the user to connect their iPad to their Mac computer and have it work as a second monitor. It’s an amazing concept, I know.  I too almost cried from excitement.

As an avid multi-tasker, I normally have a million windows and applications open all at the same time. Okay, a million might be a bit of an exaggeration, but none-the-less, I often have multiple windows open on my computer at any given moment. Right now, for example, my computer has 9 programs running on 3 different desktop backgrounds. It’s a bit much to keep track of, and I have often felt the need to have either a bigger computer monitor, or another dual screen to be able to view all of my work.

This is where Duet comes into play. Duet, created by a group of ex-Apple engineers, allows for a seamless interaction between both your computer screen and your iPad screen.

Logistics: How does it work?

After quickly downloading the program to both my laptop and my iPad, I was able to get started immediately.

To use Duet, open the app and plug your iPad into your Mac via the lightning cable (the power cord for the iPad).  In just a few seconds, your iPad will mimic the background on your desktop, and voila!  Your iPad is now a dual monitor!  It is that simple.  Now drag and drop your programs between the monitors as you find necessary.

Pro Tip: You can still use the iPad’s touch capabilities, and can control that screen the same way you would use your iPad regularly.

Experience so far

Writing a research paper on my computer screen, looking at notes on the iPad screen.

I’ve found that this app helped me increase my productivity.  I’m a communications major studying Cinema and Television Production, so I film and edit different videos throughout the year.  Most professional editing companies have dual monitors for editing. (It’s easier to see and use the programs.)  With Duet, I’ve been able to use the editing software I have on my computer on both screens, giving me a mini editing suite in my own home.

If you’re not using it for editing purposes, don’t think this app isn’t for you.  If you’re a student, I highly recommend using Duet as a way for writing papers. I used it to write a research paper and had  the articles I needed to read on one screen, and my paper on the other.  This saved me a ton of time from toggling between screens or having to print out papers.

Essentially, it’s incredibly useful because it allows you to have everything you need in front of you at one time without having to switch between tabs or programs.  The greatest news is I haven’t had any issues with lag time with Duet. It’s been a very seamless experience thus far, even when I have multiple programs open.


Screen Shot 2015-05-04 at 9.14.15 AMYou will need some sort of stand, case, or rig to keep your iPad standing up straight… Otherwise using these devices in conjunction with each other isn’t going to be very useful to you.  I have my iPad sitting on a Bluetooth keyboard, so it’s at a similar angle to my laptop which I’ve found to work alright.  There are also a few stands on the market that allow you to attach your iPad to the side of your computer monitor.  I haven’t tried any of these, but they look like they would also work very well.  Another downside is that you can’t use this product with Windows–it’s only Apple/Mac compatible.  It’s also $15.99, but I personally feel it’s worth it.

Final Takeaways

This app is specifically designed to do one thing, make your iPad a second monitor.  This isn’t an app you can use with only your iPad, you’ll need a compatible Mac computer or iPhone.  Still, I think it’s a big help when it comes to using your devices in sync with each other.

Aurora Albi-Mercier

Who knows what I'll end up doing later on in life, but for now I'm just a twenty-something who likes to be busy and wants to learn yoga. I'm also trying to teach myself to love tea... (but I have to admit, I prefer a good cup o' joe.)

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