Converting from Blackboard to Moodle is like moving to a new house. If your current Blackboard courses are filled with items no longer used, moving them to Moodle will only make matters worse. So before migrating to Moodle, it’s a good time to delete old or unused items, and organize your files.
When it comes to Internet browsers, not all are created equal. Tech Talks @2 recently started a four-part series to highlight some of the latest features in Internet Explorer (IE), Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. We will cover one browser each Tuesday, so tune in at 2:00pm to learn how your current browser of choice stacks up against the ...
As the number of wireless computing devices increase while getting smarter, smaller, and less expensive, more students are using them in the classroom. When computers, tablets or smart phones are used by students in the classroom, do they add value or distract from learning? A University of Michigan research study, Use of Laptops in the Classroom: ...