Michaela Brady

The Contrada Museum Nothing Like I Had Imagined

The Contrada Museum is located in Siena. While abroad, I was able to go visit the Owl Contrada and share a personal and in depth experience. It was different from all of the other museums we visited because it is still utilized for its original intent now, had historical elements that were made and found in the exact same place, and the entire museum is dedicated to one singular Contrada, not many different artists, groups, or styles. The original helmets, costumes, and flags were displayed in an orderly fashion which have the museum structure and organization. The fact that the museum had all of this collected and displayed for viewers shows how much they care about the Owl Contrada and the culture that it gives them. The church and horse stall were incredible. The fact that these are both still used to this day is not something that you typically see in a museum. This was a mind opening experience and nothing like I had imagined.



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