OAT Organizations
Second Nature Therapy is an outdoor adventure therapy program that uses a tag team method between therapists and field instructors to identify and help change behavioral issues. They integrate daily therapy sessions into their camp-like atmosphere to help enact long-lasting change in the lives of its participants.
Aspiro claims that they are the pioneer in wilderness adventure therapy, despite having only gotten their start in 2006. They offer a variety of programs for a wide age range with only a minimum age of 13. They believe that creating a strong sense of self-confidence is the key to successful outdoor adventure therapy.
The Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC) has a program focused on Teen Wilderness Adventures. This website provides information on all of the trips they offer and all of the skills their trips promote.
Outward Bound is an organization which provides outdoor expeditions with an emphasis on building character and leadership skills.
This is an organization which is internationally known for outdoor adventure education. They offer week long courses as well as year long courses that develop outdoor skills.
Confluence is a company that offers outdoor therapy courses. This link provides a look into its methods and programs as well as the possible benefits from participating.
Other Resources
This is a National Geographic section that keeps a running list of sitting US President Donald Trump’s plans and actions that will affect the environment. It’s a good source to keep up with why cultivating an appreciation for the natural world is so important.
The Outdoor Behavioral Healthcare Center is a research group based out of the University of New Hampshire. They perform studies on major wilderness therapy programs to help them develop the best practices and effective treatments for their patients. These studies are an excellent additional resource for learning more about how these programs are managed.
This is a PDF written by Ryan Elliott and Larissa Pieper where they describe all of the basic information one needs to know about outdoor adventure therapy. The information includes descriptions of outdoor adventure therapy, a summary of its benefits, multiple organizations that perform this therapy, activities that are typically performed, and more.
This is a website that lists many different adventure therapy programs included with a description of each program and the different ways to reach each program. This can be a helpful
way to find links to resources for people in need.
This is an article describing how one psychologist is adapting outdoor adventure therapy as an alternative for formal counseling for kids and young adults.
The EPIC Adventure Therapy company blog contains multiple posts by various authors that outline different programs for the different types of participants. A few articles give an overview on the science behind adventure therapy.
Provides a list of typical adventure therapy activities and their benefits.