
Brenner Jones: Social Media, An Empathetic Community

Although social media can be harmful, the benefits of social media far outweigh the negatives that come along with it. One of the biggest benefits of social media is how easily people can connect no matter how far away they might be. As a result of social media’s global platform, everyone can remain constantly in […]

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Paige King: Social Media is Hurting the Interpersonal Connections With Others

The constant access to social media today is deteriorating the human connection and overall interpersonal relationships between individuals. Our days revolve around the proper functioning of computers, television, and the small rectangular devices that radiate in our pockets. Although the use of these advancements have made communication and the spread of information across the nation […]

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Additional Readings

Cyberbullying: Cruel Intentions. Brigham Young University, 2006. Cyberbullying: Cruel Intentions. ABC, 2006. Web. 27 Nov. 2016. This source helps me to synthesize and expand on the connection between Robert Thornberg’s experiment and how bullying can apply to social media too, rather than person to person confrontational situation. Cyberbullying and Depression Go Hand in Hand In […]

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Mike Aiello: Social Media Addictions Relation to Bias

Many people and today’s world would agree social media can become a distraction in everyday life. Today, a large number of people above the age of 12 have a smart phone or tablet with internet access. Many of those people have at least one social media account and access it very frequently. With this being […]

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Is Social Media Hurting Young People?

In a survey we conducted among 100 college-aged young people, 77% percent use social media during class, 36% percent feel some sort of anxiety when they can’t use their phones for a prolonged amount of time, and 72% use social media more than twenty times a day. With the creation of MySpace in 2003, social […]

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