
Is Social Media Tearing People Apart?

Social media can be defined as online communities that give users the ability to post text, videos and photos to express their opinions. One of the most popularly used forms of social media, Facebook, has been such an effective social networking company because, unlike their predecessors, they have been able to attract a diverse range […]

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Samantha Mastrocola: Social Media, Connectedness and Self-Esteem

Many people may think social media is tearing us apart by causing social isolation and a disconnect outside of the digital world. However, social media is not the direct cause of social isolation. While social media involves a connection online and thus disengagement with the outside world, the root of the problem lies not within […]

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Effects of Social Media Additional Resources

Another Time Point, a Different Story: One Year Effects of a Social Media Intervention on the Attitudes of Young People Towards Mental Health Issues This article tells about how social media is used to promote information on mental illnesses and social media related health issues. Are Teens Replacing Drugs With Social Media? This article describes […]

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