Craig Hospital Inventory of Environmental Factors (CHIEF) article summary

Posted on: February 28, 2021 | By: kcashman3 | Filed under: Craig Hospital Inventory of Environmental Factors (CHIEF)

Purpose: Th purpose of this study was to test the model of factors influencing the rate of Iranian children with cerebral palsy participation in leisure activities. CHIEF was specifically used to assess environment in regards to being unsupportive physically, socially, or attudinally, in the domains of policies, physical & structural [environment], school & work, attitudes & supports, and services & assistants.

Study Population: 232 children, ages 6-14, with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy

Methods: parents completed all questionnaires, with the exception of CAPE, which was completed by the children, with help from a caregiver if needed

Outcome measures: Children’s Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment (CAPE), Craig Hospital Inventory of Environmental Factors (CHIEF), Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), Family Environmental Scale (FES)

Intervention: None. Participants and parents filled out questionnaires.

Results: main result was the importance of family-related factors, the role of family intellectual-cultural orientation, and family preferences to engage in recreational activities

Strengths: multiple questionnaires covering varying domains

Limitations: this model only explains 44% of variances, so there are other determinants affecting children with CP participating in leisure activities that remain unaccounted for


Overall conclusion: This study, while attempting to address an important question, was very confusing to analyze and read (possibly due to likely having been translated into English). The use of CHIEF questionnaire in this study was not the primary or only outcome measure used. Overall, it is logical that the family will have the most influence over any child’s participation in leisure (or physical) activity, even more so in a child potentially requiring physical assistance as in the case of cerebral palsy.


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