Each morning seminar will have a list of texts that will serve as required reading; additional texts may be recommended, although not required. Institute participants will be required to acquire and read several books prior to the institute. All other required reading will be provided electronically to the participants well in advance of the institute.
Although the reading list has not been finalized, several texts authored by the director and the visiting scholars will be central to our discussions, including Debra Bergoffen’s Contesting the Politics of Genocidal Rape, Susan Brison’s Aftermath, Ann Cahill’s Rethinking Rape, Louise du Toit’s A Philosophical Investigation of Rape, Nicola Gavey’s Just Sex?, Renée J. Heberle and Victoria Grace’s Theorizing Sexual Violence, and Sarah Clark Miller’s An Ethics of Need. Other texts will include contributions central to the philosophical literature by authors such as Linda Martín Alcoff, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Catharine MacKinnon, Margaret Walker, and others.
Institute participants will have access to all of Elon University’s academic resources, including a welcoming library, reliable and free wifi, and comfortable meeting rooms. The library has access to computer labs, and we are also arranging for printing/scanning stations to be set up near convenient locations for participants. Once these details are solidified, we will update this section.