Melbourne City Tour

Describe two things that you learned about the city and how do they relate to what you have learned throughout our travels and/or course study.

A lot of what we saw during the city tour revolved around the culture of the city. For things directly related to our class, we saw two different scenes used in the movie Ghost Rider. The first one we saw was an alleyway used for shooting in the movie. The second scene we saw was a bit more famous and it was where ghost rider rides up a bridge in Melbourne to then jump off. The most interesting parts of our walk to me was how many old arcades and places to eat there were in the city. We kept hearing prior to coming to Melbourne that there was so much food in the city and it was on this walking tour that I truly realized how much there really was. Everywhere we went there was either a show or a place to eat, but most of the time it was a place to eat. We also saw the most expensive space in Melbourne which was a small kitchen that could barely fit two people and sold Joffles. The most interesting part of our tour to me was where we ended. I thought that federation square was one of the coolest spots in the city and I really enjoyed seeing it. Seeing the city during the Australian Open was also very cool. Seeing a lot of change for the event and so many activities going on was really interesting to me. I really had a fun time exploring the city and enjoyed the mild climate of Melbourne. The two best moments in Melbourne for me was seeing our group and a bunch of other Americans all outside watching the Patriots play on TV. The best thing by far though was getting the opportunity to go to my first Grand Slam. This was a really memorable experience for me and it was a great way to end an overall amazing trip to Australia and New Zealand.

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