Looking for a title

Posted on: November 25, 2024 | By: Tom Arcaro | Filed under: From Tom

Book length discussion of our survey results in the works NOW!   Drafting chapters now All four research team members are drafting chapters as I write this. When the team met in Pittsburgh to present some preliminary findings at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (SSSR), we decided that we want to share our data with the broadest possible audience. Everyone on the planet is impacted by religion either directly or indirectly, many struggling with their relationship to organized religion. We believe that many readers will be interested in first hand accounts of the many dimensions of this struggle. Our data -over 1000 respondents to our English version and 154 respondents to our Portuguese version- is abundant with countless personal accounts, and we have chosen to present the data in book form. The lead chapter, setting the tone for the rest of the book,…

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Q27 “…tell us about your process and experience of leaving Adventism.”

Posted on: October 5, 2024 | By: Tom Arcaro | Filed under: From Tom

Here is a link to an AI generated podcast about the 757 responses to Question 27 “In as few or as many words as you like, please tell us about your process and experience of leaving Adventism.” FAQ: Leaving Adventism [data from the over 800 responses to Question 27] 1. What are some common reasons people give for leaving Adventism? Many individuals cite doctrinal disagreements as a primary reason for their departure. This can include questioning the validity of Ellen G. White’s writings, the church’s stance on the Sabbath, the investigative judgment doctrine, or its views on eschatology. Others find the church’s social conservatism, particularly regarding women’s ordination, LGBTQ+ issues, and interracial marriage, to be incompatible with their personal values. Additionally, some individuals express feelings of isolation, judgment, and a lack of support from the Adventist community, leading them to seek a more inclusive and accepting environment. 2. How do people…

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The Bible as a Blueprint for Living

Posted on: April 29, 2024 | By: Tom Arcaro | Filed under: Uncategorized

The Bible as a Blueprint for Living Duane McClearn April 2024 Long ago when I was a senior in high school, I enrolled in an elective course titled “Biblical Literature.” Among other things, we students read large sections of both the Old and New Testaments, and engaged in rousing, free-ranging discussions of the material. (Throughout it all, the teacher made no attempt to proselytize.) I recall one student, in particular, who began the semester with the position that the Bible was inerrant, accurate in every word, not subject to interpretation, obvious to understanding in every regard, and, importatntly, served as a clear blueprint for proper moral behavior. As the semester progressed, her Christian faith remained steadfast, but she relented, at least a bit, at least temporarily, on issues of interpretation and clarity. Since those halcyon days, I have heard or read many a minister, priest, theologian, and Christian layperson express…

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“Signs of the Times are Everywhere”

Posted on: November 19, 2023 | By: exsda | Filed under: From Jeff

“Signs of the Times are Everywhere” Non-comment about Palestine from SDA leadership Some of the more progressive still-Adventists in my life have expressed dismay at the milquetoast stand taken by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists on Palestine. Here’s the statement, issued on October 7, 2023. So far as I can find through casual web searching, there’s been no update in the six or so weeks since then. The inability of a church that would have once identified as a social justice movement to now articulate anything other than a ‘thoughts and prayers for both sides’ kind of statement in the face of one of the most consequential international events of recent memory may come as a shock, but should not come as a surprise. Relevant survey data Questions 35 and 36 ask respondents to draw the connection between Seventh-day Adventist eschatology (belief that the world will end) and Adventist…

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Using AI as a research analysis tool

Posted on: October 15, 2023 | By: Tom Arcaro | Filed under: From Tom

Using AI as a research analysis tool for social science data As evidenced by some recent posts, we are using ChatGTP-4 as a research analysis tool, especially for the narrative responses to many of our survey questions. Our methodological approach on the task of pulling out the main themes is to read through each comment, taking notes on themes which emerge and then run the data through ChatGTP using the following prompt: In a survey, participants were asked “[question]” Please group the following responses into a maximum of 5 themes with: A summary for each theme. 3 representative participant quotes for each theme. The total number of responses to each theme, regardless of whether multiple themes were mentioned in the same response. Use of AI and of ChatGPT in particular is increasing at an almost exponential level both inside and beyond academia. We would be remiss in our responsibility to…

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Ex-Seventh-day Adventist Research

Posted on: October 15, 2023 | By: Tom Arcaro | Filed under: From Duane

Ex-Seventh-day Adventist Research Duane McClearn The beginning of a literature review The research team investigating those who have already disaffiliated from the Seventh-day Adventist Church, are in the process of doing so, or are considering doing so, has several goals. Among other things, we want to understand what factors lead to a desire to disaffiliate, how the process takes place, what stresses (emotional, relationship, financial) the process incurs, and what the psychological consequences of having been a member and then becoming disaffiliated are. As part of our review of relevant literature, we have gathered together a substantial list of references that hit on these themes. Research on the topic of ex-affiliation has been relatively far-ranging, although most has confined itself to the Christian experience. Certain fundamentalist Christian groups have been highlighted to a degree, such as the Latter Day Saints (Mormons) and the Jehovah’s Witnesses. A glaring omission has been…

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Q16: Which of the following describe(s) your situation, whether currently or at some point in the past?

Posted on: September 22, 2023 | By: Tom Arcaro | Filed under: From Tom

Below are the data from Q16 in our survey. Please reach out if you have any questions or comments. Q16: Which of the following describe(s) your situation, whether currently or at some point in the past? (check all that apply)       ChatGPT-4 analysis 9-22-23 Individuals’ Experiences and Perspectives Regarding Adventist Rules and Beliefs Executive Summary: This report synthesizes diverse experiences and perspectives on adherence to Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) rules and beliefs. Numerous themes emerged, portraying a shift from past concealment to contemporary openness regarding Adventist values. 1. Evolution from Concealment to Openness: 1.1 Past Concealment: Many individuals previously concealed aspects of their lives that were in conflict with Adventist rules. Example: “These are things I did in the past when I was much younger. I’m not hiding anything now.” 1.2 Acceptance of Present Self: A shift towards acceptance and openness about divergent lifestyles is noted. Example: “I am…

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Q15 Which of the following best describes how you present as a non-Adventist to the Adventists in your life?

Posted on: September 22, 2023 | By: Tom Arcaro | Filed under: From Tom

Below are the data from Q15 in our survey. Please reach out if you have any questions or comments. Q15 Which of the following best describes how you present as a non-Adventist to the Adventists in your life? Themes generated on 9-22-23 using ChatGPT-4 Theme 1: Concealment of Belief Transition Summary: Participants exhibited a trend of concealing their transition away from SDA beliefs, predominantly to maintain harmony within familial and social relationships and to avoid potential confrontations and judgments. Representative Quotes: “I would never hurt my elderly parents. To them, I’m an Adventist who is private and doesn’t attend church.” “I keep it to myself. I don’t want to upset my parents.” “My fundamentalist in-laws would freak out, so they are in the dark.” Number of Responses: 23   Theme 2: Social Strains and Altered Relationships Summary: The experiences of several participants underscore the social strains and alterations in relationships…

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All quantitative surveys results

Posted on: September 22, 2023 | By: Tom Arcaro | Filed under: From Tom

All quantitative surveys results   Notes: Our research team is renewing its focus on the data we collected and you can expect regular updates in the coming weeks and months regarding our Ex-SDA survey. Qualitative data will be presented soon. We are using ChatGPT4 for our preliminary analysis. All quantitative data One primary goal of this research was to learn about the views of those somewhere on the “leaving/left’ SDA journey and then to share these data with the public. Our promise to those taking the survey was that (within ethical boundaries) we would share the results. Below we give access to all quantitative data from the survey(s). By clicking here you can see all of the quantitative data in frequencies form. These are the data from all 1011 respondents. Here are all the quantitative data from the Portuguese language version. Here we compare the quantitative data from the English…

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The Survey: Some Questions and Answers

Posted on: September 5, 2023 | By: Tom Arcaro | Filed under: From Duane

The Survey: Some Questions and Answers Our research team made an internet survey available to interested former Seventh-day Adventists and current members strongly considering leaving the denomination. Well over a thousand respondents from around the world filled out the survey. Below is a quick glance at our methods and results. Q: What was the major reason for our survey? A: Actually, the survey had two major purposes. One was to give the respondents an opportunity to voice their experiences within, and concerns about, the Adventist Church. In this sense, we hoped it would act as a service to the many former Adventists who feel burdened, emotionally or otherwise, by their time associated with the church. A second purpose was the research one. Among other things, we wanted to gain insight into the reasons that members leave a fundamentalist Christian denomination (the Seventh-day Adventists, in specific), the characteristics of those who…

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