Fall Course Refresher

Are you interested in Professional Writing and Rhetoric but not sure what classes to take? Here is a list and breakdown of the PWR classes that will be offered next fall!


PWR 2110 Professional Writing and Rhetoric (previously 215)

PWR 2110 will be taught by Dr. Li this fall. 2110 is an introductory course where students will learn about the broad field of PWR and how it relates to everyday life. 2110 will teach students that “professional writing” is an incredibly broad major that can open doors in countless other fields. Students will gain a rhetorical perspective on writing, as well as an understanding of the issues, topics, and practices that make up PWR. Students will gain hands-on experience through a variety of professional writing projects and academic research projects.


PWR 2110 will be offered fall and spring (Tuesday-Thursday 10:30-12:10), and requires a prerequisite of ENG 110. 


4 credits. 


PWR 2100 Professional Writing and Technology Studio (previously 217)

PWR 2100 will be taught by Dr. Paula Rosinski this fall. 2100 is a workshop-style course that provides students practice with audience analysis, rhetorical strategies, writing technologies and media, information and visual design, and project management. This course will introduce students to a variety of writing software packages used in the professional word and the numerous ways in which professional writers use them. Students will gain experience through hands-on projects consisting of writing, multimedia projects, and creating a digital portfolio.


PWR 2110 will be offered in fall (Tuesday-Thursday 12:25-2:00).


4 credits. 


PWR 2170 Writing as Inquiry (previously 297)

PWR 2170 will be taught by Dr. Strickland this fall. 2170 is a research based class that will introduce students to the research methods employed by practicing writers. Students will gain hands-on experience employing the research methods they have learned on various long-term projects and reports. Students will learn how to choose and adapt the forms of inquiry to specific rhetorical situations, which will enhance their ability as writers and professional rhetors.


PWR 2110 will be offered in fall (Tuesday-Thursday 2:20-4:00), and requires a prerequisite of ENG 110 or PWR 215 or PWR 304, or permission of the instructor.


4 credits. 


PWR 3130 Publishing and Editing (previously 311)

PWR 3130 will allow students to apply their rhetorical skills to collaborate on projects such as large-scale print and electronic publication. Students will learn advanced skills such as proposing texts to gatekeepers, developing textual and visual print content, designing print layouts, editing large publications, and delivering published products. Students will also explore the future of PWR through the technology currently impacting publishing and editing, and begin to develop their own professional identity.


PWR 3130 will be offered in fall (Tuesday-Thursday 1:40-3:20).


4 credits.



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