The New Professional Writing and Rhetoric Major

by Carey Spence

In Spring 2018, Professional Writing and Rhetoric left its role as a concentration of the English major and is now its own major. But what actually is Professional Writing and Rhetoric? From a student’s perspective, it is the one major that applies to every job on the market. Everyone needs to communicate in the workplace, but many people are lacking in this skill. Professional Writing and Rhetoric truly is a meta-major.

Communication in the workplace is key. From drafting emails to writing reports, expressing your thoughts is a valuable skill. And those that master this skill advance faster and see success. PWR classes prepare students to think critically about rhetorical choices. In every project the question to think about is: what is the most effective way to communicate this idea?

But success in the workplace isn’t the only value in a PWR major. Learning how to be persuasive is essential in everyday life. Interactions with friends, family, and neighbors all involve rhetorical analysis, and PWR gives you the tools to make the most rhetorically sound decisions.

Professional Writing and Rhetoric offers students hands-on experiences as well. Every student in the major is expected to complete 2 credits of internship and 2 credits of research. This program values high impact experiences that results in better communicators. If you aren’t a PWR major already, consider declaring today!


Carey Spence is the 2018-2019 social media intern for Professional Writing & Rhetoric. Carey is double majoring in English Literature and Strategic Communications, with a minor in Professional Writing.

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