If you are approaching graduation, you are probably beginning the daunting task of searching for jobs in the professional writing field. The following is a list of tips that will help any college senior or recent graduate ease their way into the real world.
- Don’t be afraid to reach out to companies and organizations you are interested in even if they don’t have a position listed that’s right for you. Showing interest will put your name on their radar. You have nothing to lose by sending a professional, succinct email describing your experiences and inquiring about opportunities.
- Have a quick, polished answer for the question “What do you want to do?” Even if you are not quite sure yet, have some ideas you can mention to anyone you asks. With a degree in professional writing and rhetoric, there are so many paths you can take and you never know who might have connections in your field of interest.
- Use multiple job search websites, like LinkedIn and the Elon Job Network. Use advanced search options to look for your field of interest, specific positions within that field, and locations where you might want to work.
- Compare the desired qualifications of entry-level and higher-level jobs in your field of interest. This will help you ensure that you are qualified for an entry-level job now and it will remind you of what experience you need to move up in your field.
- Tailor your résumé to each job you apply for. Every position will place value on different skills, so be sure to highlight appropriate experiences and place emphasis on the skills the company you are applying to wants to see.
These tips will help you remember different aspects of searching for jobs and prepare you to successfully find your first job as a professional writer following graduation.