The Writing Center, from an Insider Perspective

Miranda Allan- ENG, PWR ’15

To finalize discussion about the Writing Center, guest blogger and consultant Miranda Allan gives a look at exciting happenings and services!

Hello all! If you haven’t seen for yourself already, the Writing Center has some exciting new tricks up its sleeves this semester.

The redesigned space offers a collaborative, multimedia-friendly environment that you’re sure to find engaging and constructive for all your writing project needs. Consultants hail from a variety of academic backgrounds, so you know you’re getting advice that pertains across disciplines. We always respond as a “real reader” to your projects, so even though we can’t sit in class with you, we can help you develop a paper that is accessible and clear to your personal audience.

As Alexa mentioned in her previous post, the Writing Center has had a busy semester bringing you programs and events. But the semester isn’t over for another few weeks and there’s still plenty to check out if you haven’t had a chance to visit us yet. As always, we provide help with your writing-related projects at any stage in the writing process. While we won’t edit your papers for you (that’s plagiarism and it’s not going to help you become a better writer – but you knew that!), we can assist in understanding the assignment, brainstorming, elaborating ideas, thesis development, organization, clarity, documentation, and so on.

It is helpful if you bring in your assignment sheet, but beyond that you’re free to bring in whatever document or project you want. Yes, we see a lot of academic essays, but we’re also here to help with resumes, cover letters, applications, and multimedia projects such as presentations or videos that can be shared in the new presentation rooms. Also, we’re happy to connect you to a librarian who can assist in your research.

My work as a consultant is so rewarding to me because the clients – you all – teach me about my writing process through your questions. When I help you develop a solid writing process, I’m also reminding myself to be cognizant of the principles of good writing. Sometimes, a person visits the Writing Center whose writing is far superior to my own, but still I am able to help because knowledge should be shared communally, rather than through the hierarchy. I’m not a teacher; I’m a consultant and a collaborator.

So, make an appointment online at (you’ll need to make a profile if you haven’t do so already) or come see us in person on the first floor of Belk Library, KoBC, or the Multicultural Center! As a tip, the shifts at our satellite locations are much less busy than the library, so you’re likely to get the session you want. We hope to see you soon!

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  1. Posted November 14, 2014 at 4:22 pm | Permalink

    “We will not edit your paper for you.” Like Miranda said, don’t come in expecting us to ‘fix up’ your paper. It is much more beneficial to your individual learning to take control of what you want to do with your own writing!

  2. Posted November 16, 2014 at 5:09 pm | Permalink

    I love Miranda’s point that “knowledge should be shared communally, rather than through the hierarchy.” This is a concept that we talk a lot about in the writing center class, but one which I did not fully understand until I became a full-time consultant. I have learned so much from working with other students, about writing and subjects which I otherwise would’ve known nothing about. It’s a neat way to reconsider my own approach to writing and to expand my own knowledge!