Meet the CUPID Associates: Sarah Paterson

Hey there!


My name is Sarah Paterson and I am a senior Professional Writing and Rhetoric major with minors in Political Science, Communications, and Creative Writing. I am so excited to start this semester as a CUPID Associate and would love to help you with design questions, portfolio concerns, or anything else PWR during my lab hours (Sundays from 11:30 – 1:30). I also work in the Writing Center eight hours a week, so if I’m not in Alamance you can probably find me in the library!

When I got to college, I’d never even heard of rhetoric and I intended to come to school for a Cinema degree. After realizing Hollywood wasn’t such a good fit for me, a friend suggested I take the Intro to PWR class, and I was hooked. I liked PWR because it was hands-on and had immediate practical applications. Rhetoric is all about communicating effectively with others, and that’s a skill that’s useful in all areas of life. From Understanding Rhetoric to Writing Center Workshop, my PWR classes and projects (including work for the Conservators’ Center, the Writing Center, and EFFECT) have made me a more ethical, conscientious, and creative writer, designer, and rhetor.

Feel free to stop by the CUPID Studio during our lab hours – my fellow associates and I would be happy to help you with anything PWR!

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