LIFESPAN Handbook: Style & Editing

This Winter Term, in Style & Editing, the students tackled the task of creating a Parent Handbook for the LIFESPAN Circle Schools of Alamance County. The students were given the current handbook and then they had the freedom to change the style and edit some of the content. Each of the five groups wrote a proposal to the Circle School staff detailing what they would like to change and why they thought it would be more effective than LIFESPAN’s current handbook.

Mia Brady, Brianna Duff, and Claire Lockard were three students in the Style & Editing class that participated in creating one of the new handbooks. Brady said, “while most of the changes we made had to do with the style of the document, we rearranged the wording of the headings and the order of the overall document.” They also added a table of contents to make the handbook more user-friendly, charts for further organization, and pictures from their Facebook page to make the handbook more personal.

Check out some of the pages below! What do you think about their organization, charts, and insertion of pictures?


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