The two that I looked at first were The Pillars of the Earth and The Dark Knight Rises title sequences. The first thing that stood out to me about how the type was presented was the brokenness of the typeface, blurred in some cases. Each title sequence presented a dark and threatening tone, and the type helped in getting that point across. Simple lines, straightforward with no “fluff” to the type. The mood is clearly set by the music, as well as the dark color tones, but the text plays right into the theme.
The title sequence for Doctor Who is more than humorous for me – simply because of the music and they psychedelic approach to design that was so prominent in the 1960s. Aside from that, it was simple and mysterious. The type itself was simple and honestly quite ugly. But the use of scale taking the text deep into the screen portrayed a deep and driving type of story line.
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