To muse or not to muse

If I were a visual aesthetics poinsettia, I’d be in full bloom by now. And that’s not just because its in season. The beginning of this class started not initially as you would assume, but rather during the boot camp experience. Understanding the technical aspects to better enact visual aesthetics was step one. From which we really delved into the theoretical aspects, that create a foundation to understand what we were creating as it connected to society. The portion of the class that concentrated on art and the different styles is one example of this kind of foundation. I loved this wonderful intro into the ideas of visual aesthetics but my favorite part of the class and the most useful, in my opinion, was the projects. Just to reiterate the list of the projects; self-portrait, alien typeface, info-graphic, mobile interface, motion typography, and the public service announcement. My favorite project was the info-graphic and my least favorite was the self-portrait, however even that is said with only mild distaste.

What truly helped me in this journey on the golden visual aesthetic brick road was undeniably the critiques. I loved having the feedback and taught me what to look for in each projects. After each critique and as I started a new project, I would place myself in the classroom to better understand what others would see in my work that I couldn’t. It is a great form of editing old work and analyzing new ones. These are the kind of things that I will be able to now see moving into the field in the future. With the end of the class approaching I have a better understanding of the creative process and all the different interactive types of visual aesthetics which eluded me before this class. I loved this class so much that I can find a career that specializes in these type of projects. I learned so many technical skills that I couldn’t be happier with having took this class. I would recommend this class and this experience to anyone.


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