iPhone Interface Design

This video was quite eye opening to how far the iPhone has come in such a short time. While watching this thumb scroll through the different features one can see how terrible the quality of the picture is on the 2008 version vs. today. It is eye-opening that just a few short years ago that picture quality was stunning. This video shows us just how quickly things change with technology.

The design of the iPhone is stunning. I never thought to look at how the designers took a small screen and made it seem ten times bigger. They made sure that this tablet was user friendly, but also created as much viewing space as possible. All of the bars look transparent as to not get in the way of the content that the viewer is looking at. Many people do not notice that the URL bar disappears as you scroll down. This was a brilliant way to create more space that the designers came up with.

Simplicity is at the core when one talks about the iPhone design. Everything is made to seem as simple and to look as simple as possible. With IOS 7 the idea of simplicity is at the for front. They changed the design of the icons to become even more simplistic so when one looks at the phone they never see clutter. I am a huge advocate for the iPhone design. When I look at my phone I get a sense of comfort because of how organize and simple it is. Now with the new color wheel it has become even more stunning then it once was.

The final thing that I learned from this video was how much the iPhone was design with a grid based design in mind. Everything is laid out in a grid with 20 squares. This grid may not be noticeable at all times but when one looks hard enough they can see it. The icons are all lined up perfectly along with the photos. I am a huge advocate for this design and I find it stunning. This video was very education and eye opening.

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