iPhone Interface

The first thing I thought about while watching this video was the fact that I’m happy with the direction Apple has taken with their new iPhone interface; the new iOS7 interface is gorgeous and vibrant. While the current iPhone still has the same general look as the one in this 2008 video (as far as basic layout), the changes that they have made would probably be positive according to Edward Tufte.

Tufte disliked the fact that some of the apps on the 2008 iPhone were too simplistic and cartoony.  Tufte then suggested – “To clarify, add detail.”  Looking at the current weather app, Apple has definitely added more detail.  A full hourly weather bar is now present, which I believe to be one of the most important pieces of information in a weather forecast.  The app still remains very simplistic and oozes Apple aesthetics.

But really, Tufte’s opinions are just his opinions, man.  I have never really thought of iPhone’s interface as cartoony.  However, some might say that the current interface is pretty cartoony.  Yet more detail has been added to apps for clarification, so I am not sure how Tufte would react to them.

It is important to analyze the iPhone interface.  It has become one of the most elevated pieces of communicating media.  It is a tool that will be looked at by millions of eyes everyday.  In general, I enjoy Apple’s simplicity.  It doesn’t distract me away from my information.


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