Iphone Resolution

It would be very easy to state the obvious, that this video is slightly outdated, especially now in the tech savvy world we live in, five years old may as well be five decades old.

However  not only that, but I felt that Edward Tufte’ criticisms and resolutions were extremely basic. I was sitting down ready to concentrate really hard as I thought his evaluation was going to be of a techy genius, but in retrospect his views on the weather and stock market apps design were really opinions.

I for one have never, nor will I ever understand the stock market, and always thought it was slightly bizarre that the Iphone came with this stock market app pre built in, assuming that we all worked on Wall Street.  However whilst looking at the app I would assume that part of it’s purpose is to get complicated, dense information, and deliver it to people in a streamlined, visually appealing, un complicated yet effective manner.

The same idea applies to the weather app. I don’t think anyone enjoys the weather app as much as my father, that man lives for the weather app, and part of it’s appeal is that, hey! whats the weather like in Morocco today?! Let me just take out my iphone and see. Weather is broken down in days, and then then by hour, giving me the exact prediction of what the weather will be like a 4pm, what more do I need to know?

At the beginning Edward Tufte notes that the Iphone offers a change from the other clunky cell phones, therefore we would assume that they would want it’s contents to fall in line with it’s visual appeal.  It is still a cell phone interface after all and the space is limited, over whelming amounts of information only clutter the screen and make it difficult for the user to use.

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