I found this documentary very interesting as it relates to the world of typography. The video put into context the importance of type and gave a intriguing study of the fundamental aspects of fonts and how they bring forth emotion and communication.
What I liked most about this documentary was how it gave a history of type. It was cool to see the manual creation and kerning of letters and then seeing how fonts became digitized.
I never realized how visible Helvetica was until I saw the beginning of this documentary. What put everything in perspective was the opening scene of Time Square in NYC. Because of this, I have began to see Helvetica everywhere. I find it interesting that because this font represents honesty, reliability and neutrality, many companies and organizations use it. This does bring forth the idea of originality and the font being overused.
For me, this documentary has created a newfound interest and I hope to learn more about typefaces and their utilization. So much work goes into creating, developing and using type. It’s so cool to see how typeface and emotion work collectively.
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