At long last, I can finally tell people that I know what art is and why it matters.
Does art matter? Absolutely, I say, even if I don’t completely understand art (Yup. I admit it). Art is one of the more unique forms of communication. As communication students learning about visual media, what better to learn from than art itself?
There is plenty we can learn about design and creativity from the artists and types of art (realism, formalism, expressionism and post modernism) that we have studied from this book. Sure, some of the art is…well, more unique than others. Some more controversial. Others seemingly too simple to be art. But perhaps that is what makes those pieces so special – that they were unlike anything else out there at the time. That is what separated that artist from the thousands of other artists doing exactly what they were doing.
That could be the biggest takeaway for iMedia students from this book. There are plenty of other people out there looking to do exactly what we are doing. What we need to do is find a way to separate ourselves from the pack and stand out. Need inspiration on how to do that? Just take a look at some art.
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